Międzynarodowa konferencja projektu ProSocial Values ​​Community

Online Multiplier Event projektu Erasmus +

pt. ProSocial Values nr 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036860

Program konferencji

Wszystkie warsztaty online są otwarte dla każdego uczestnika z dowolnego kraju i całkowicie bezpłatne

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16 Wrzesień 2020

Godzina 16.00 : Hiszpania – Region Castilla & Leon – Agustín Francisco Sigüenza Molina; María A. Blanco; Stefano Cobello; Marina Vasileva Connell (Macedonia Północna)

  • Powitanie przez Stefano Cobello Koordynator projektu – Włochy – Instytucjonalne otwarcie imprez upowszechniających wartości prospołeczne przez Agustína Francisco Sigüenzy Molinę jako dyrektora generalnego ds. szkolenia zawodowego, specjalnego systemu i równości w edukacji w Consejeria de Educación z regionu Castilla y León (Hiszpania). Sieć”Nobody less: kim jesteśmy, jak do niej dołączyć”. W ramach projektu „Wartości prospołeczne (Prosocial Value)” Erasmus + KA201 utworzono międzynarodową społeczność „Nobody less”, która angażuje instytucje edukacyjne i zainteresowane strony z całej Europy i spoza niej, aby na co dzień przyjmować postawę prospołeczną. (wyjście 7 Platforma szkolenia prospołecznego)

Agustín Francisco Sigüenza Molina. Dyrektor Generalny Dyrekcji ds. Szkolenia Zawodowego, Specjalnego i Równości Edukacyjnej, która jest główną jednostką administracyjną Consejería de Educación, czyli Departamentu Edukacji Autonomicznego Rządu Kastylii i León. Obejmuje swoim działaniem obszary szkolenia zawodowego, specjalnych potrzeb edukacyjnych i poradnictwa oraz nauczania specjalnego

Godzina 17.00 : Polska – Stowarzyszenie ARID – Prof. Bożena Majerek, Ph.D. oraz Maciej Dymacz

  • Innowacyjne narzędzia i podejście w edukacji szkolnej: jak pomóc nauczycielom radzić sobie z trudną młodzieżą w klasie i jakich narzędzi można użyć. Jak pomóc nauczycielom zwiększyć ich wiedzę w przygotowywaniu ciekawych i wysokiej jakości lekcji z wykorzystaniem technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych. Jak wdrożyć innowacyjne metody w systemie nauczania, aby zwiększyć efektywność uczniów w czytaniu, pisaniu i rozumieniu tego, czego się uczą. (wyjście 7 Platforma szkolenia prospołecznego)

(Maciej Dymacz project manager Stowarzyszenia ARID, Polska. Maciej Dymacz posiada doświadczenie w zarządzaniu projektami. Uczestniczył w wielu szkoleniach krajowych i zagranicznych oraz przygotowywał i prowadził kilka szkoleń zawodowych dla różnych grup interesariuszy.

Prof. dr hab. Bożena Majerek .D. – Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie)

17 Wrzesień 2020

Godzina 15.00: Rumunia – Stowarzyszenie Sinaptica -Pirvu Ionica

  • Wykorzystanie starych domów: jak ożywić stare domy przy użyciu zasobów naturalnych / ekologicznych. Korzystając z tradycyjnych materiałów i technik, dzieci i młodzież mogą dowiedzieć się, jakie jest znaczenie budynków przyjaznych dla środowiska lub czym różnią się materiały i technologie odnawialne od przemysłowych. Warsztaty dadzą nauczycielom wskazówki dotyczące wdrażania zajęć na świeżym powietrzu, które nie wymagają wysoko wyspecjalizowanych trenerów lub narzędzi elektrycznych / mechanicznych, przy wysokim poziomie efektywności kosztowej (wynik 7 Platforma szkolenia prospołecznego)

(Pirvu Ionica – członek założyciel i dyrektor wykonawczy Stowarzyszenia Sinaptica. Ekspert w zakresie szkoleń i zarządzania projektami, z dużym doświadczeniem w etnografii i budownictwie tradycyjnym)

Godzina 16.00 : Turcja – Uşak İl Milli Eğitm Müdürlüğü – Fatih Nacar

  • Pros-Social Robotics: Jak wykorzystać robotykę do promowania zachowań prospołecznych. (Rezultat 9 Analiza fazy pilotażowej)

(Fatih Nacar works with robotics and he is an expert using robotics for educational purposes, he is a teacher of information technologies in the center of science and art. At the same time, he has responsibility at the computer and network system of the directory of national education Uşak)

Godzina 17.00: Turcja –  Uşak İl Milli Eğitm Müdürlüğü – Ass. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Delen

  • Educamigrant project educamigrant.europole.org Ensuring equability in Education for Migrant and Refugee Pupils (EDUCAMIGRANT) Project developed modules for immigrant students and their teachers and try to reduce disparities in the learning environment. In this presentation, we will focus on the importance of contextualization during the project and discuss the need for contextualized STEM learning environments for refugee students. (Output 5 Database of prosocial games)

(Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Delen works as an associate professor at the Educational Sciences department at Usak University (Turkey). With a continuing interest in teacher education, he has been actively working for finding ways to use various digital tools (mobile applications, social media, web-based systems) for enhancing the quality of science education in various contexts (formal and informal settings).

18 Wrzesień 2020

Godzina 16.00 : Włochy – Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – Stefano Cobello and Elena Milli

  • Educate to a future society of solidarity Our society is growing in egoism and greed, is an individualistic future use for the school and mankind itself? Children can become the real engine for change towards a cooperative society, open to differences. The workshop will present several experiences, tools and reflections on how the teachers can develop a solidarity and cooperative attitude in their students.

(Stefano Cobello coordinator of the network of schools “Polo Europeo della Conoscenza”, a PhD candidate in sociological in Models of Educational Inclusion of Disables, BA in philology – Russian and English. He has long experience of coordinating networks of schools in European projects, webmasters and expert in intercultural education, trainer of trainers. Elena Milli is a family and relational psychotherapist, collaborator of Polo Europeo della Conoscenza in projects about robotics and special needs education, giftedness, immigrants and refugee students, bullying, and STEM education. She works with children and teenagers with special educational needs or social and behavioral issues, from abusing or disadvantaged contexts and immigrants. She is an expert in educational and prosocial robotics.)

Godzina 17.00: Albania – Ndihme Sociale Gruas Kryefamiljare – Kristina Zoga, Tefta Mala

  • Straightway to integrity and self-development of youth with fewer possibilities: Presentation of a capacity-building project for disadvantaged youth on developing skills on social enterprises.

21 Wrzesień 2020

Godzina 14.30: Indie – Organizacja Podar  – Swati Popat Vats

  • Prosocial values impact a person and society- laying the foundation in early years. The early years are when a child learns about self and society. Pro social values are a foundation of education and in today’s technology-driven world, pro social values play a foundational role in ensuring that children grow up to care, share and nurture their relationships and the world.

Dr. Swati Popat Vats is a global early years educator. With more than three decades of experience, Dr. Vats is presently the President of Podar Education Network with over 495 early years centers in India and two in UAE. She is President of the Early Childhood Association and Association for Primary Education and Research, a non-profit in India with over 58,000 members. She coined the term, ‘kuducation’ , to ensure that children receive an education centered around their needs and not that of ‘schooling’. She has studied the early Childhood approaches of 38 countries and has developed a comparative document of the same. She strongly believes in the work of Froebel, Montessori, Vygotsky and Gijubhai Badheka. She has authored many books for children, parents and teachers. Her latest being a book on coding and prosocial skills, ‘Yash and Yashika learn about coding’, and a book called, ‘My Feelings’.

Godzina 16.00 : Litwa – PRSC – Asta Klydziene and Viktorija Paskeviciene

  • Let’s trigger creativity in everyday classrooms: Our workshop consists of three activities triggering creativity in everyday classrooms. Creativity allows self-discovery, as well as the opportunity to share a hidden side of ourselves. It reduces stress and anxiety. That is why children are more eager to learn through games and fun activities that engage them in sharing their ideas and experiences. While communicating, cooperating, and collaborating children have the possibility to talk about empathy, bullying, and respect. They have a chance to (re)connect with friends and peers or find more confidence in themselves. Eventually, prosocial values are established and strengthened. (Output 9 Analysis of the pilot phase)

(Asta Klydziene, history teacher – Panevezys district -Velzys gymnasium – Viktorija Paskeviciute English teacher – Panevezys district – Velzys gymnasium)

Godzina 16.15 : Litw – PRSC – Laura Sinkuniene and Alma Briediene

  • Empowered by Prosocial Values: Activities and methods to increase emotional awareness and tolerance in the community.  (Output 9 Analysis of the pilot phase)

(Laura Šinkūnienė librarian – Panevezys district – Naujamiestis gymnasium – Alma Briediene primary school teacher- Panevezys district – Naujamiestis gymnasium)

Godzina16.30: Litwa – PRSC – Vaida Siauciune and Klaudija Pelanyte

  • Uneasy discussion with the help of friendly gadgets: Humanity has been dreaming about the coexistence with robots for a long time. Finally, this day has come and nowadays we can hardly imagine our lives without them. But could they be helpful for our educational purposes, especially concerning the improvement of social behavior, or to be more exact, the uneasy topic of bullying? We are sad to announce that according to UNESCO, almost one-third of adolescents around the world have suffered bullying and they admit it was difficult to talk about their sad experiences while they were school children. However, in this workshop, we will present the ideas that could be applied in the classroom to break the ice for uneasy discussions about bullying together with the help of our co-livers – robots. (output 7 Platform for the prosocial training)

(Vaida Siauciune English teacher – Panevezys district Education Center – Klaudija Pelanytė non-formal education teacher of information technologies – Panevezys robotics center “RoboLabas”)

22 Wrzesień 2020

Godzina 17.00: Północna Macedonia – Friends for Education – Bojan Vasilev and Vaida Šiaučiūnė

  • Hopscotch: The workshop has been created for primary students to introduce an important domain of bullying and robotic in the classroom. It will seek to give students the knowledge and the skills to enable them to engage their friends with fun gaming activities and robotics before moving to more advanced activities involving the use of block coding languages and robotic devices defined especially for use in the classroom. The focus will be on enjoyable activities and students will experience a gradual progression from simple physical activities aimed at introducing some of the core concepts in bullying, coding, and robotics through engaging problem-solving exercises with real bullying and easy to learn programming languages. (Output 9 Analysis of the pilot phase)

(Vaida Siauciune the head of Panevezys Robotics Center RoboLabas – the biggest robotics center in Lithuania. Project coordinator and expert for several European and local projects on the topics of robotics and STEAM education. – Bojan Vasilev the president of Friends Of Education. One of the biggest NGOs in North Macedonia with over 500 teachers as members. Project coordinator for this project and others in N.Macedonia. )

Godzina 18.00: Północna Macedonia – Friends for Education – Darko Taleski and Zorica Trajanoska

  • Deep Diving Into Stories: This workshop will show a different approach to storytelling, by using technology. The hard copy stories through the technology become alive. We will present a story that we have already prepared as an introduction to the workshop. In the main part, the participants will be involved in the “diving” process, i.e. into creating a new story. It means that they will make the storybook alive. The participants will illustrate some parts of the story and using stop motion animation will give life to illustrated drawings. Conclusion: The workshop will show how the students will be engaged through the whole process of storytelling and they are not only passive listeners. (Output 9 Analysis of the pilot phase.

(Zorica Trajanoska English language teacher with 15 years of teaching experience with students from 6 to 14 years old. Driven to engage learners through storytelling. Darko Taleski with more than 15 years of art teaching in public schools. He has experience of teaching socially vulnerable groups of students and students of different ethnicities)

Godzina 19.00 : Północna Macedonia – Friends for Education – Marina Dzeparoska Tanasoska and Elena Apostoloska

  • Playing and exploring Mars: This workshop will show an interesting and funny approach in learning, by using technology and gameplay. As an introductory activity for the workshop, we will present a problem situation that should be solved in the workshop (sharing resources and building a colony on Mars). In the main part of the workshop, the participants using technology will be involved in researching, planning analyzing, and finding solutions as a team. Then using computer games the team will show their Designing Solutions for the problem situation defined at the beginning of the workshop. Conclusion: The workshop will show how the students will be engaged through the whole process of the problem-solving situation and critical thinking through teamwork. (Output 9 Analysis of the pilot phase.

(Elena Apostoloska graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Mathematics and Physics studies. Her interests are dedicated to the method of learning by projects, so she finished her master’s studies in 2011 on the Pedagogy Institute, on the study program Management in Education. Since 2001 she has been working as a Maths teacher in the Primary school “Zivko Brajkovski” in Butel, Skopje. Marina Dzeparoska Tanasoska is a graduate professor of informatics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius-Skopje, Macedonia. She finished her master’s studies at the Faculty of Human Resource Management “University of Tourism and Management” Skopje R. N, Macedonia. Works as a teacher in computer science at the primary school “Grigor Prlicev” -Ohrid.)

23 Wrzesień 2020

Godzina 13.30 : Bułgaria – TRAKIA DIIT University -Iglika Angelova

  • ProSocial Values Teaching and Learning with Lego: The workshop will present serious educational game and storytelling based practices with LEGO Social and Emotions and will be presented by the teachers from Kindergarten and pre-primary school. The seminar session will examine and present the journey of building a network of partners through the eyes of the principal and the headteacher. In practice, the emphasis will be on “Beauty and Goodness” as basic and universal values. (Output 9 Analysis of the pilot phase)

(Iglika Angelova is a practitioner, researcher and didacticist, with a recognized, non-standard and creative approach to developmental pedagogy. She is an experienced pedagogic specialist and leader in the development and practical school application of educational games and interactive lessons. She works for a quality change in the field of education and training)

Godzina 17.00: Hiszpania – Region Castilla & Leon Region – Antonio Marquez

  • The disabling curriculum: Inclusive school framework involves offering opportunities to all students, understanding diversity as an inherent nature of human beings. An approach to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for developing a curriculum without barriers, accessible and universal. UDL contributes to reflect on the matter that depending on the didactic designs, you are, unconsciously, placing barriers that difficult the learning process and UDL offer strategies in order to transfer our point of view on disability to the curriculum itself, to propose didactic designs that do not disable student (output 7 Platform for the prosocial training)

(Antonio Márquez is an on service support teacher in the province of Andalucia (Spain), is the author of the blog “If it’s because of the teacher that I never learn”, a title that, in his own words wants to be reactive, pro-active towards inclusión understanding diversity as part of our inner nature and proposing a reflection on how the curriculum approach can influence, enabling or disabling the most vulnerable students.)

24 Wrzesień 2020

Godzina 13.30: Bułgaria – TRAKIA DIIT University -Iglika Angelova

  • ProSocial Values Teaching and Learning with Nature: The seminar session presents an interesting form of the internal organization of ProSocial activities (mini-projects), according to the individual needs of the group of children and the preferences of parents and teachers. The seminar will tell about activities that have been implemented during the piloting phase of ProSocial Values, that have involved children and adults in different educational practices for preschools (Output 9 Analysis of the pilot phase)

Godzina 16.00: Hiszpania – Region Castilla & Leon Region -David Riuz

  • What I learned from games to boost motivation in the classroom

(David Ruiz, currently a primary school tutor. He is the author of Mr. Ruiz’s Blog, on education, ICT experiences, active methodologies, “smart” presentations, gamification, distance education, formative assessment, all seasoned with a close, critical, and passionate communicative style)

Godzina 18.00:  Hiszpania – Region Castilla & Leon Region – Fredi Lajvardi & Dan Frank USA

  • Why The World Needs More Women Engineers

Fredi Lavjardi is a science professor from the United States who captivated the country when he led his team of Hispanic origin teenagers, in an underwater robotics competition, where they beat groups linked to famous universities, including MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). His story inspired the documentary Underwater Dreams, adapted into the lead film Spare Parts. Honored with numerous awards for his energetic passion for teaching, Fredi continues to serve as a leading advocate for the importance of STEM education and the importance of bridging the gender gap. Vice President of STEM Initiatives of the “Sí Se Puede” Foundation whose mission is to maximize the potential of each individual by increasing educational equity. (output 7 Platform for the prosocial training)

Dan Frank is a Lecturer at the Arizona State University, and the Faculty Advisor for Desert WAVE (Women in Autonomous Vehicle Engineering). In addition to working with Desert WAVE, he also is a mentor for two secondary school robotics teams.

25 Wrzesień 2020

Godzina 13.30: Bułgaria – TRAKIA DIIT University -Iglika Angelova

  • ProSocial Values Teaching and Learning – Mix and Match: Presentation of piloting activities of ProSocial Values in Kindergarten: the workshop will present innovation about self-organization, self-initiative, self-development, and self-reflection in the schools of the 21st century. The main focus will be on the importance of ProSociality education and the benefits of open social education for children and society. (Output 9 Analysis of the pilot phase)

Godzina 18.00 : Psicodizione – Chiara Comastri

  • When the other person is becoming a resource in a solidarity society: When the person feels closed within himself when brooding does not make him totally free to choose, nor to say, nor to be himself, the other is always the only solution. The other is the way to get back your colors. Dr. Comastri, Psychologist and former stutterer will describe the internal psychological mechanisms of Stuttering, as it is a difficulty that manifests itself in the relationship. She will also describe how the Psychodition methodology, which she herself devised, is functional to get out of the stuttering cage. (output 7 Platform for the prosocial training)

Godzina 18.30: Portugalia – José Nunes – Make it Better – José Nunes

  • SparkSEEDs: A proposal for social transformation: Empowering Learning Communities- a community participating actively in the education of its youngs… youngs empowered to participate in the development of their community! The main objective of the project is to build a community base educational ecosystem aiming to support the regular offer of high & enriching activities, by capitalizing important endogenous resources (human, cultural, generational, tradition, etc.) in a crossed approach between youth main interests, actual societal challenges and actual & future educational needs.

(Josè Nunes president of Make it Better NGO. He has 15 years of experience as a project coordinator in the youth fields. He is graduated in Agronomy and Rural Development and post-grad in Project and Partnership Management. His fields of competences are many: networking management; participative leadership; strategic planning; entrepreneurship promotion. He is a consultant for the High Commission for Migrants and Intercultural Dialogue (ACIDI – Council of Ministers).




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