Italy - Network Board's President and National coordinator
Stefano Cobello - Coordinator of Polo Europeo della Conoscenza Network of educational Instituions www.europole.org

Bulgaria - Vice-President - and National coordinator
Iglika Angelova Trakia University - Kite Organization in Sofia

Italy - Secretary
Elena Milli Schools Network www.europole.org and President of Piuper.org Association

North Macedonia - National coordinator
Bojan Vasilev Coordinator of Friend of Education Association http://www.friends-of-education.org/en/

Scotland - National coordinator
Marina Vasileva Connell

Lithuania - National coordinator
Jurgita Vaitiekuniene Panevezys District Education Centre www.prsc.lt

Türkiye - National coordinator - Usak
Ahmet Yurdakul Uşak Provincial Directorate of National Education - Usak

Türkiye - National coordinator - Ankara
Prof. Esra Omeroglu Gazi University - Ankara

Spain - National coordinator
Marian Blanco - Consejería de Educación. Junta de Castilla y León

Romania - National coordinator
Pirvu Ionica - Asociația SINAPTICA www.sinaptica.ro

Portugal - National coordinator
Josè Nunes - Associațion Make It Better https://make-it-better.wixsite.com/en-mib

Austria - National coordinator
Darmar Kommer - INMAD – International Institute for Managing Diversity www.inmad.org

Poland - National coordinator
Maciej Dymacz Association ARID www.arid.org.pl

Switzerland - National coordinator
Ilaria Bonadies Montagna Association: TI rispetto di Pregassona, Lugano, Svizzera https://www.associazionetirispetto.org/

Argentina - National coordinator
Giampiero Finocchiaro Italian Schools in Argentina - Italian Minister of Education

India - National coordinator
Swati Popat Vats - President of: Podar Education Network www.podareducation.org Early Childhood Association www.eca-india.org Association for Primary Education and Research

Buriatia - National coordinator
Bair Darmaiev - Director Foundation Fair World www.spmir.org

Russia ( Moskow) - National coordinator
Roman Komarov - Moskow Governmental University Department Psichology https://en.mgpu.ru

Brazil - National coordinator
Rachel Gouveia Passos - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Escola de Serviço Social Departamento de Métodos e Técnicas http://ess.ufrj.br/

Albania - National coordinator
Dentila Garipi, Executive Director of Lunah Education Center NGO, in Durres, Albania. https://lunaheducationcenter.org/

Semarang (Indonesia) - National coordinator
Hariani Hardo Widjojo S.Pd, School Director of Pelita Hati Montessori School www.pelitahati.net

Cusco (Perù) - National coordinator
Antonella Ferro Acuna Presiednt of The NGO "Los Niños del Fuego providing educational support for children with difficulties in the process of learning. website: www.elfuegocusco.org

(Greece) - National coordinator
Ourania Kappou Founder and Managing Director of the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute. www.athenslifelonglearning.gr

(Bosnia) - National coordinator
Adnan Mević; Executive manager of Muharem Berbić Foundation.website www.fmb.foundation

(Spain) - 2. National coordinator
Francesco Filippi is director of the projects department and quality management coordinator of the MUSOL foundation (Valencia)website www.musol.org

(Germany) - National Coordinator
Marion Oswald is the principal of the Internat Solling (Boarding School; an accredited independent public grammar school with a tradition reaching back more than 100 years) https://www.internatsolling.de

(Lithuania) - 2 National Coordinator
Silva Blažulionienė is President of the NGO "Creative Future Ideas" located in Klaipėda, Lithuania is working with disabled (deaf, mental disabled, youth with ASD). and deaf people organizations in non-formal education field. KAI trainers and social workers have big experience in using non-formal training methods in education, organizing seminars, conferences, events. https://www.facebook.com/creafutideas/?fref=ts

(Latvia) - National Coordinator
Ilona Roja is the president of Innovation Educational Center "IDEJA", founded in 2004 as department of VILORI Ltd, is an education institution, which implements education non-formal and informal education programs and training in arts, decorative applied arts, languages, self-motivation and social exclusion mitigating therapies and development of social skills for adults, families and seniors. By that it focuses on the aspects of personal development and social learning.

(Serbia) - National Coordinator
Petar Pantić is the project corodinator od YAEDA (Youth and Adult Educational Association) is formed in 2021. in Požarevac, Serbia, by three teachers. The aim of the Association is to offer courses and additional educational tools to students and people of Požarevac and Braničevo county in the fields of creativity, multicultural- lity, European studies, history, digitalization, lifelong learning ecology and sustainability. yaeda.weebly.com

(Egypt) - National Coordinator
Mostafa Kamel, co-founder of Tamkeen Organization for Sustainable Development. Coordinator for new Egyptian consortium of three NGO and one university
(Armenia) - National Coordinator
Diana Yeghiazaryan Programs Director Information & Education Development Network INEDNET http://www.inednet.com/

(Equador) - National Coordinator
Susmara Andrea Solís promotes the design of projects in the 12 communes (inhabited by more than 55,000 people), located in the Ilaló volcano, Municipality of Quito, Ecuador. Organization: Ilaló Communes, Leopoldo Chávez Commune. Atocha Indigenous Hospital,

(Italy) - Member
Ivo Zambello is the founder of Towntwinning Committee of Ceregnano, a Private Cultural non-profit Association and NGO located in a countryside area with a high rate of migration (e.g. from China, Romania, Morocco etc) and a high unemployement rate. 13% of adult learners receive social help (free lunches, allowances, benefits from social help organizations). 2% of our citizens come from pathological backgrounds and require constant counseling. https://cercogem.wordpress.com

(Palestina) - National Coordinator
Fouzia Marmash is a professor in Al-Istiqlal University, located in Jericho Palestine, is a leading institution dedicated to providing high-quality education across various disciplines. The university's mission focuses on fostering academic excellence and research, while also contributing to the development and advancement of the Palestinian community. More information can be found on our website: https://alistiqlal.edu.ps

(Gambia) - National Coordinator
Lamin Jawara is working in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Gambia. He is also president of Humanistic Organization BAKAU, which is formed by people of different ages, origins, cultures, and religions, united together to build a truly humane society, a society in which the human being with his needs and aspirations is the central value, a society in which human beings are completely realised: the right to education, health, freedom, and to search the meaning of life, and an existence with dignity. This association was formed in Bakau on the 3rd of April, 2003. We have about 100 registered members in different caders. Since the formation of the organisation, we have supported numerous needy students in the rural areas of the country in their basic school needs and also in the area of agriculture and health. The head office is located at Bakau KSMD , the Gambia and has other branches in other regions in the Gambia. OUR AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. Help the needy people to have access to good education and health. 2. Position of the human being as the central value 3. Statement and equality of all the human beings 4. Recognition of the personal and cultural diversity 5. The tendency to the development of the knowledge over the world as an absolute truth 6. The rejection of all kinds of violence (physical, economic, racial, religious, or psychological).
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