The network is organized in different level of tasks
Board of Members
The board of members is composed of one or more representatives per Country. Those persons are working in organizations able to represent and promote the network. They are the also the network’s National Coordinators and therefore members of the council of the network.
National Institutional Coordinators
The National Institutional Coordinators are volunteers working and represent an educational institution (a public body or an organization with regional or national impact), and they are a member of the council of the Nobody Less Community Network and the reference persons at national level.
Their role is to:
- represent a contact point for the members of the community at the national level
- aggregate and motivate new educational institutions to join the Community
- organize, if possible, some yearly events and coordinate national “Prosocial week”
- upload educational material, videos, lesson units, contributing to enrich the material to provide and to disseminate the good practices
- set up the most appropriate communication channels with the adherent educational institutions (news, announcements, newsletters, integration with face-to-face meetings, etc.)
Educational Institutions Network’s Members
The Nobody Less Community Network Educational institutions are the places where the values are taught and promoted in the daily educational routine involving also the local community. The Educational Institution Network’s Members sign a charter on the ProSocial Values (available here) and adopt it in their daily activities.
Their role, therefore, is to:
- take part in the “ProSocial week”
- organize prosocial activities involving students and the local community
- adopt and respect the Prosocial Values charter as a pillar of the Institution
Ambassador Educators/teachers
The Ambassadors are motivated, dynamic persons, educators, teachers that serve as nodes for the Community in their local context. By joining the community, these persons have the opportunity to access to educational materials related to prosociality (i.e. learning plans, hands-on activities, articles and online resources), share best practices, questions, thoughts, ideas and inspiration with colleagues from all around the world, propose topics for discussion; additionally, they are able to get advice on how to design activities that promote skills like friendship, feelings, cooperation, fairness, generosity and trust.
Their role is to:
- involve the students, colleagues and the local community
- create educational activities on prosociality (inside and outside the educational institution) and upload them contributing to enrich the material to provide and to disseminate dissemination of the good practices
- involve the other educators and collect their activities
The Educational institutions are selected by the national coordinators and admitted into the network. The Institution will have to sign the Prosocial values charter and they are committed to having it adopted by the Institutions’ members or students.
The educational institutions that want to become a member of Nobody Less Community Network have to be represented by:
- a director who is motivated to host at least one prosocial activity involving the educational institution and the local community
- at least one person organizing educational activities on prosocial values, contributing to enrich the material available for the Community.
The institutions since that moment will be appointed as Prosocial values Institution ambassador
The educators, youth workers teachers that want to become prosocial values Ambassadors can apply to the National Coordinator even if not part of an Educational Institution Ambassador. The Ambassador has to:
- be motivated to participate and have an interest in learning and sharing experiences and good practices
- have a basic knowledge of English in order to allow international communication with the other Ambassadors
- create at least one prosocial activity
- be active in the online community
- The Students:
The students are the main actors of this network because they are the future of any society and the real example of these values lived in daily life. Without them, this network has no reason to exists. The values are like the stars of their life.