Erasmus+ Project KA3 – Support for Policy Reform 621506-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN

We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children (Indian proverb)

We live in a society overrun with plastic and petroleum products. Our daily habits are destroying the ecosystem of the planet putting life on planet Earth at risk. For years, all the calls to this effect have not been heeded and we have come to a time when, through air, food and water, each person absorbs on average an amount of microplastics equal to one credit card each. week. It is therefore time to act decisively, to promote a complete change in people’s daily habits, to safeguard the environment, our health and the future of man and many living species on the planet. The plastic-free school network arises from the need to educate future generations to invent all possible ways to replace the use of plastic with alternative materials, sustainable and eco-friendly. (The movement wants to start from the bottom up, inviting schools, educational institutions and associations from all over the world to take part. We want to start a process of awareness by children and young people, from their love for nature and for life for to achieve a transformation of consumption and choices, both for them and for the adults around them, in particular, we want to give the new generations the possibility of regaining slower rhythms of life and a more sustainable idea of ​​consumption. In recent decades, speed and the unbridled consumption of any product have become key elements of our daily life: we must therefore change the way we act and conceive of life because we have already become an element of destruction for the planet. This network therefore has two fundamental objectives: to find rhythms closer to nature of which we are an integral part and to produce as little waste as possible. Starting from school, in the schools themselves, in associations, in families, we want to use the creativity of students and children to change the habits of adults. The movement is therefore born from below, by the students of all schools and educational institutions and wants to expand all over the world to start a process of raising awareness and awareness that begins with children, their love for nature and life and leads to a transformation in the consumption and choices of adults. in the schools themselves, in associations, in families, we want to use the creativity of students and children to change the habits of adults. The movement is therefore born from below, by the students of all schools and educational institutions and wants to expand all over the world to start a process of raising awareness and awareness that begins with children, their love for nature and life and leads to a transformation in the consumption and choices of adults. in the schools themselves, in associations, in families, we want to use the creativity of students and children to change the habits of adults. The movement is therefore born from below, by the students of all schools and educational institutions and wants to expand all over the world to start a process of raising awareness and awareness that begins with children, their love for nature and life and leads to a transformation in the consumption and choices of adults.
The idea is to encourage pupils from any country in the world to rethink the use they make of plastic in their daily life, to understand what impact this use can have on the environment (for the production, use, disposal of object) and invent and create sustainable alternatives to be used permanently at school or at home. The movement aims to sensitize young people to the environmental impact of plastic and offer them the opportunity to be protagonists of change through their creativity.

Students / pupils / children of schools or any institution or association that will join the movement will have to undertake to identify a number of plastic objects (such as the beginning of a transformation process) to be replaced with other alternative materials (recycled, sustainable, eco-friendly), of their inventions and that they become permanently common objects in the related educational institutions and that they are shared on this platform with all the ideas that will come from all over the world. This network was born within an already structured network on prosocial values ​​(which also includes the environment) a world community called “nobodyless” for the exchange of good practices, in which each school / organization will present its alternatives to plastic and all related activities. This community will be a space for intercultural dialogue, confrontation and openness to each other that will allow the students involved to see how their commitment can be enormously important for the entire planet. The free movement of plastic schools aims to have a political and social impact that can positively influence society through the example provided by the children themselves. Any school or private or public educational organization in the world can join the network freely and for free. Without limits of age, religion or country. The free movement of plastic schools aims to have a political and social impact that can positively influence society through the example provided by the children themselves. Any school or private or public educational organization in the world can join the network freely and for free. Without limits of age, religion or country. The free movement of plastic schools aims to have a political and social impact that can positively influence society through the example provided by the children themselves. Any school or private or public educational organization in the world can join the network freely and for free. Without age, religion or country limits.

The objectives of the movement can therefore be summarized as:

Educate children to avoid the use of plastic and be aware of the environmental problems associated with the use of plastic
Develop children’s creativity to invent materials and tools of alternative origin to be used permanently instead of plastic in schools
Create an online platform with all the sharing experiences
Propose games, activities, online sharing strategies to prevent the use of plastic
Create a European and extra-European movement of schools / institutions / NGOs
Involve children’s families in changing their habits and no longer using plastic
Create a school emblem as a symbol of social involvement in the process
Develop lessons or activities on the effect of plastic on humans and on the Earth

This community Network adheres to the charter of social values ​​of “Nobody less”, downloadable here:   Prosocial Values ​​Charter

The plastic-free school movement is officially part of the   Nobody Less Community Network

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