CPIA Verona adesione al network Nobody Less
Con piacere accogliamo nel Network Nobodyless il Centro Provinciale per l'Istruzionde degli Adulti (CPIA) di Verona. Ecco la consegna del manifesto e la targa alla Dirigente Nicoletta Morbioli
Pro Social Values Community world Network
Con piacere accogliamo nel Network Nobodyless il Centro Provinciale per l'Istruzionde degli Adulti (CPIA) di Verona. Ecco la consegna del manifesto e la targa alla Dirigente Nicoletta Morbioli
“All for one” robotic game with letters IC 04 – Scuola Primaria “Rita Rosani”Verona (VR) Fourth grade The fourth grade of the “Rosani” primary school in Verona has created a…
Cooperation in disasters IC Cavalchini Moro – Scuola Primaria “Cesare Marchi” Villafranca di Verona (VR) Fourth grade The teachers of the fourth grade of the “Marchi” primary school of Villafranca…
Being prosocial in difficulties IC Cavalchini Moro – Scuola Primaria “Cesare Marchi” Villafranca di Verona (VR) Second grade The activity carried out by the second class of the “Marchi” primary…
The magic of balloons IC Cavalchini Moro – Scuola Primaria “Dante Alighieri” Villafranca di Verona (VR) The activity proposed by the teachers of the class 3 A of the primary…
The waltz of friendship – together is more beautiful IC Cappa – Scuola Primaria “Scipioni” Bovolone (VR) The teachers of the second C and F classes of the “Scipioni” primary…
Working together to build great bridges IC 4 Verona – Scuola Primaria “A. Pisano”Avesa The multidisciplinary project for inclusion and cooperation implemented in the second class A of the elementary…
Second grade E and F The annual project implemented in the second E and F classes of the primary school “Collodi” is based on prosocial values for the promotion of…
Second grade C and D The objective of this intervention, consisting of 4 meetings, is to provide opportunities for reflection on diversity and tools for anger management, to prevent conflicts.…
The proposed multidisciplinary activity brings together scientific and humanistic subjects with robotics, in order to encourage the inclusion of two pupils who have recently arrived in Italy, help children with…
The teachers of the IC Pisano di Caldiero (VR) have carried out a bullying prevention activity for fourth grade students through the reading of the book “Ciripò” and the creation…
Teachers present their practical approach during teaching activities to facilitate inclusion and participation in school activities. In particular, the activity described focuses on creating and strengthening group identity, individual contribution,…
This activity is linked to a research-action process and aims to facilitate the inclusion of an immigrant pupil through learning the division into syllables with the peer group. The activity…
The activity proposed by the teachers of the primary school A.Cesari of Verona aims to promote prosocial attitudes to prevent bullying by stimulating cooperation at school especially through the support…
Cari amici , colleghi, genitori e studenti, la nostra rete ha il piacere di organizzare, il primo concorso Nazionale sulla Pizza, Robotica e inclusione. Il concorso è aperto a tutti…
The Ethiopian government has encouraged every citizen to plant at least 40 seedlings to fight deforestation. “Trees not only help mitigate climate change by absorbing the carbon dioxide in the…
Educhiamo i bambini alla gentilezza: cambieremo il mondo Educhiamo i bambini alla gentilezza: cambieremo il mondo Se c’è una possibilità di trasformare il nostro mondo in un posto migliore, questa…
Ecco un bel progetto che ci dimostra come la robotica può essere usata come valore prosociale. Robotica Contro il Bullismo Robotica Contro il Bullismo From Peer to Peer Erasmus+ Project…
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